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What Are Some Topics For Earning Online Through Blogging Over WordPress?

Blogging is a great way of making money, especially creating a source of residual income over a moderate period of time. It is one of the 30 “Proven” ways to make money online blogging with WordPress. Content writers with a thorough knowledge of any particular subject can make money regularly through this reliable method. There are a few topics for writing blogs that attract major traffic.

Blog Writing Topics

  1. How to make money: Everyone wants to make money and thus this topic trends the most. Letting people know the various ways to make money through different practices, attracts a lot of traffic to the WordPress site.
  2. Fishing: It is the biggest sport in a small country like the UK, where people do more sport fishing or angling than playing cricket. In fact, many people world over practice angling or fly cast fishing as a hobby. Writing about it in detail and introducing new gear with their review will certainly attract much crowd to read it.
  3. Smartphones: Everyone has a smartphone today and almost half of the upgrade it every year. Furthermore, the smartphone manufacturer keeps bringing in new variants that do make an unaware or less tech-savvy buyer confused. Thus, generating an opportunity to create content that discusses the new smartphones available in the market along with their features and comparisons.
  4. Health: Everyone, who has access to the internet today does search for “Health Tips”. Staying fit has become more than a health pursuit to a fashion statement today. However, most do not have time to dedicate themselves to 2 hours of workout in the gym every day or even on alternate days. This is where health blogs attract people with their practical guidance on staying fit.
  5. Food: No one can live without it and everyone wants a variety to their platter. Creating a food blog to discuss nutrients, different specialty restaurants, local delicacies of different places and more is a sure way to get people who love food. There is a variety of food to discuss, while desserts and drinks or beverages are also part of such discussion and writings. Missing the latter is not justified and they have to be included in the blog. Adding pictures would enhance attraction possibilities.

Whatever a blogger wants to write with WordPress, he/she must also consider the SEO practices and use of the right keyword. Without them, the traffic will never become optimum and without the optimum traffic, the earnings will never be what one wanted.


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